Plants worldwide rely on our products to process a variety of minerals and materials from iron and chromite ores to coal and plastics
Mineral beneficiation. Concentration of minerals. Physical separation. Ore dressing. Minerals producers will hear one or all of these terms when considering how to extract desired minerals and ores from the complex mixture that makes up their entire deposit. In short, these terms refer to the primary process of physically separating raw materials in preparation for subsequent downstream processes.
Physical separation technologies
IMSC Group manufactured equipment doesn’t require additional chemicals or reagents to separate one material from another, but instead exploits the natural properties of minerals for the most efficient and least environmentally impactful separation solutions.
Gravity Concentrators
Of available treatment options, gravity concentration is by far the oldest method of physical separation. Capitalizing on differences in the specific gravity of minerals, liberated valuable ore materials are concentrated i.e. collected into very small, high-grade masses. Through laboratory scale testing, IMSC Group can help determine the most efficient gravity concentration methods for your unique mineral deposit, notably using Spiral Concentrators, Density Separators or Shaking tables, alone or in combination.
Magnetic Separators
When differences in specific gravity are not great enough to separate two or more materials, it is time to exploit other physical properties to produce concentrates. Magnetic susceptibility is often the next criteria considered for minerals separation. There are three classes of minerals:
Ferromagnetic minerals are strongly attracted to a magnet.
Paramagnetic minerals are less magnetic, but susceptible to magnetic separation if the magnetic force is strong enough.
Diamagnetic minerals are nonmagnetic.
For this reason, IMSC Group offers a full range of industry proven magnetic separators that can be used to separate ferromagnetic, paramagnetic, and diamagnetic minerals from one another.
Electrostatic Separators
The electrical resistivity of minerals can also be exploited for minerals separation. Electrostatic discharge can be used to attract or repel differently charged material and is the basis for separating conductors (minerals that conduct electricity) from non-conductors (minerals that don’t conduct electricity) in mineral beneficiation. IMSC Group offers a full range of electrostatic separators ranging from laboratory scale to industrial scale production.
Laboratory equipment
IMSC Group is committed to providing high-quality, reliable products and that includes our complete line of laboratory and pilot scale units. We have a full range of laboratory separators:
Gravity Concentrators
Magnetic Separators
Electrostatic Separators