Over 100 years of combined industry experience in processing even the most complex minerals deposits.
INcreasing Yields, speed, and efficiency
No matter the source of your mineral deposit, you are challenged with more complex mineralogy. Ore grades are declining, forcing the mining and production of far more ore. This naturally can lead to increases in energy and water consumption, but the pressure is ever mounting to reduce the environmental and social impacts of your mining operations.
IMSC Group helps minerals producers keep pace with ever increasing demands by providing efficient separators and a host of on-site services to help reduce resource consumption and achieve production goals.
Separation solutions for the concentration and beneficiation of a wide range of mineral products
Heavy Mineral Sands: Titanium, Zirconium, Thorium, Tungsten, Rutile, Rare-Earth Elements, etc.
Industrial Minerals: Diamond, Sapphire, Garnet, and other precious metals and gemstones.
Industrial Sands: Glass sand and Frac Sands (Fracturing Sands)
Ceramics: Feldspar
White minerals: Kaolin, Carbonates, Talc
Iron ore
Hard Rock Ilmenite
Coal beneficiation
Borate Ores
Secondary materials recovery of various metals and plastics